
  • DeFrictorⓇZERO launched


    「DeFrictorⓇZERO」Medico’s Hirata announces the launch of “DeFrictorⓇZERO” (Trade Name:MHディスタルアクセスカテーテル, Approval number: 30600BZX00105000).

    This product is a low profile distal access catheter, designed to be used in conjunction with a micro catheter of 1.3Fr. to 2.4Fr.
    Smooth manipulation can be expected owing to its proprietary hydrophilic coating that reduces frictions in the blood vessel.
    Its inner lumen is designed to pursue a better retention of the patency even in a highly tortuous anatomy, enhancing the passage of a micro catheter through it.

  • HyperflexⓇ Balloon Catheter launched


    Medico’s Hirata announces that HD32-100 was added to  “HyperflexⓇ Balloon Catheter” (Trade Name:MHステントグラフトバルーンカテーテル, Approval Number:30400BZX00069000).

    Hyperflex® is a balloon catheter that can be used for post-dilation after aortic stent graft deployment. It is expandable from 10mm to a maximum of 40mm in diameter so that it can be used for thoracic and abdominal aortic stent graft grafting procedures.
    ※The HD32-100 is expandable from 10 mm to a maximum diameter of 32 mm.

  • Penumbra Aspiration system RED072 with SENDit launched


    Medico’s Hirata announces the launch of “ Penumbra Aspiration system RED072 with SENDit ”(Trade Name:Penumbraシステム3 Approval Number:30500BZX00166000)

    This product is RED072 reperfusion catheter in Penumbra Aspiration System series with SENDit catheter preloaded.

    (For more information, please contact your nearest branch office.)

  • Numen detachable coil 、NumenFR detachment system launched


    Medico’s Hirata announces the launch of “Numen 離脱コイル、NumenFR デタッチメントシステム” (Trade Name: Numen離脱型コイルシステム, Approval Number: 30500BZI00030000).

    Numen detachable coil is a blood vessel embolization coil system with electrolytic detachment method, featuring both high conformability in various aneurysm configurations that covers aneurysmal wall evenly as well as the adaptability to get into the remaining small gap.

  • RED 72 launched


    Medico’s Hirata announces the launch of “Penumbraアスピレーション システム RED072” (Trade Name: Penumbraシステム3, Approval Number: 30500BZX00166000).

    RED 72 has the largest ID in comparison to other sizes of Penumbra System, which contributes to more effective thrombectomy.

  • sergeant support catheter launched


    「sergeant support catheter」
    Medico’s Hirata announces the launch of “sergeant support catheter” (Trade Name:MHサージェントサポートカテーテル, Approval Number: 30500BZX00034000).

    sergeant support catheter has a plenty of excellent features and a wide range of sizes in order to support guidewires which are used to cross complex lesions in the lower limb peripheral vessels.

  • RED 62 launched


    Medico’s Hirata announces the launch of “Penumbraアスピレーション システム RED062” (Trade Name: Penumbraシステム2, Approval Number: 30500BZX00003000).
    RED 62 is a system that is expected to be used in a greater variety of situations, such as "for more severely tortuous anatomy" and "with a choice of sizes for guiding systems to be used in conjunction”, compared to the existing Penumbra systems.

  • HyperflexⓇ Balloon Catheter launched


    Medico’s Hirata announces the launch of “HyperflexⓇ Balloon Catheter ” (Trade Name : MHステントグラフトバルーンカテーテル, Approval Number :  30400BZX00069000).
    Hyperflex® is a balloon catheter that can be used for post-dilation after aortic stent graft deployment. It is expandable from 10mm to a maximum of 40mm in diameter so that it can be used for thoracic and abdominal aortic stent graft grafting procedures.

  • VARIXIO®Microfoam System launched


    Medico’s Hirata announces the launch of “VARIXIO®Pro Mag, VARIXIO®Pod Air ” (Trade Name: VARIXIOマイクロフォームシステム, Notification Number : 27B1X00058000042).

    VARIXIO®Microfoam System automatically stirs sterile air and sclerosing agent to prepare foam sclerosing agent. Even with low concentrations of sclerosing agent, this system can automatically prepare a high quality microfoam sclerosing agent with fine, uniform, and long-lasting particles.

  • RED 68 launched


    Medico’s Hirata announces the launch of “Penumbra Aspiration System RED068 ” (Trade Name: Penumbraシステム, Approval Number: 22300BZX00269000).

    RED 68 is a reperfusion catheter with a “REDglide” hydrophilic coating designed for smooth trackability.

Medico’s Hirata